Who am I ⭐️❓

I am a Computer Science graduate from Institut Teknologi Bandung and a firm believer that tech is a part of the solution to serve a bigger purpose.

My expertise includes data analytics, modeling, NLP, product understanding, and ML research.

I also enjoy healthcare & sports as my lifelong interests. Management consulting is also my go-to brain teaser to expand my domain understanding.

My ultimate aspiration is to collaborate technology and specific domains to address widely known challenges, especially in healthcare, sports, and/or public sector.

What I do 🤔 💻

Currently, I am doing NLP research in Vision-Language , Multimodal AI, and low resource language topics. I also support other propietary researches in my current affilation.

I am actively looking for any Master/PhD program that revolves around Computer Vision and/or NLP topics.

Feel free to connect in case you have any inquiries to shoot or opportunities that knock your mind. Happy for a coffee chat ☕️.